You must have healthy eyes to really enjoy the beauty of life around you. Many people take their eyes for granted, only to lose their vision somewhere down the road. Keep your eyes healthy by using the following tips.

Find highly qualified doctors for your checkups. Finding a great eye doctor is as easy as asking a trusted friend or going online and researching eye doctors and their reviews, certifications and specialties. A little research can help you find the doctor that is right for you.

Sunglasses are not all created equal. You want to make sure that you can block the UV rays completely. Some poorly-made sunglasses may actually hurt your vision.

The foods you eat can cause eye damage. Research has shown that eating foods with good amounts of Zinc, Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin C and Vitamin E can prevent macular degeneration and cataracts, as well as other eye problems. You can also partake of some leafy greens, salmon, nuts, tuna, oranges and more in order to help fight off eye disease.

If you are a smoker, you need to stop smoking immediately. While smoking obviously damages your lungs, it damages your eyes, too. Anyone who smokes long term is at higher risk of eye damage. By stopping smoking, you can cut the risk of optic nerve damage and cataracts.

You should protect your eyes by using sunglasses. Even when it’s cloudy, you need protection from UV rays. UV protection is always important when picking sunglasses. The price tag is often higher, but your eyes should take priority.

For many of us we take for granted the gift of eyesight, but now that you read a good article about eye care, there is no reason for you not to have good vision. Just think of all you love and how much you would miss by never seeing it again. This is enough reason to make these tips a part of your healthy living.